Protections For Blue Groper Must Be Reviewed
Published 11 January 2024
The NSW Opposition has called on the Minns Labor Government to take urgent action to better protect NSW’s marine emblem, the Eastern Blue Groper.
Shadow Minister for the Environment Kellie Sloane said just last Friday, three female Blue Gropers were killed by a spear fisher on the NSW South Coast near Jervis Bay. This follows the January 5 spearing of a large blue groper at Cronulla.
“This is another senseless and deeply upsetting situation, and we need to make sure there are no more deaths of our iconic and much-loved blue groper fish this summer,” Ms Sloane said.
“While most recreational fishers in NSW are doing the right thing, some are either ignorant of the laws or are deliberately breaking them.”
“Blue gropers are our Labradors of the sea, loved by many in our community, and the Minns Labor Government needs to urgently act to better protect this iconic fish. There is an urgent need for the NSW Government to invest in greater education campaigns, improve signage where spearfishing is occurring and review penalties to ensure they’re a sufficient deterrent.”
“In NSW, the blue groper sits alongside the platypus and kookaburra as part of our state emblems; they reflect the unique and rich diversity of our environment. Chris Minns and his government needs to listen to local communities, who care deeply about the iconic Blue Groper, and tell us what steps he will be taking to better protect our state’s marine emblem.”
MEDIA: Ian Zakon | 0436 487 927 |